Feeling and understanding the hardships that come before victory, the fans live the experience at its most intensity starting with Superbet’s “The ComeBack” commercial. Superbet / The Comeback
The experience of watching sports intensifies with Superbet. Superbet / The Magic Feeling of #Supersport
Superbet: from a local player to a passionate International Powerhouse. Superbet / Global Rebranding Manifesto
Inspired by real casinos and Romania's first participation at the World’s Football Championship in 1930, we created a dedicated campaign for Superbet's digital Casino. Superbet / București, 1930
An image campaign for the newly relaunched brand of the iron market leader, Trutzi. Trutzi / Build durability
Money talk & bank interactions through a stand-up comedy show for ING Bank. ING Bank / ING Business Show
Raising awareness regarding TB: the numbers were worrying we knew we had to intervene. RAA x Millenium Communications / TB awareness campaign
Betting is one of the passions people have, the one that completes their personality. Just like any passions that sport celebrities have. Superbet / Superpassions
A YouTube show with sports legends and Tik Tok trends around the Football Worldcup. Superbet / SuberBarberShow
A Superbet campaign dedicated to all Romanian Superfans in the context of UEFA EURO 2020. Superbet / SuperFans
We decided to show supporters one wouldn't usually associate with football, jumping on the EURO 2016 bandwagon and decorating elements of their lives with the Romanian flag. UPC / The National Campaign
A campaign for Electrica Furnizare that shows the importance of having a trusted partner when it comes to energy supply. Electrica Furnizare / Natural Gas Campaign
Qatar is a traveling destination that offered in 2022 more than just a football worldcup. MagicJackpot / Football World Cup
Educational campaign for the national urge for education. United Way / Education without interruption
The most famous goal scored following a break in Romanian football history was recreated by Superbet's Superedorsers. Superbet / The 58th minute
Recycling waste with a digital application for enabling less privileged children to have access to education during the pandemic. Metaminds x Floare de colț
The tragicomic dramatization of the lack of representative social models for nowadays’ children and of the seniors’ unfulfilled desire to work. ANOFM / Be active at any age!
To raise awareness about the call for sustainability and reduced waste through ASAP petition, Subcarpați ft. ASAP launched the “Dunăre, Dunăre” music video. ASAP x Subcarpați
The first betting Social Media app, that enables the shared experience of sports at its most intensity. Superbet / SuperSocial